Input/Output Subsystem

Subsystem: (hereafter io)

To simplify and standardize input/output operations for devices, a specialized subsystem was implemented.

It offers a platform-independent API for working with MMIO space and I/O ports, as well as the ability to implement your own I/O mechanism.

Additionally, for security purposes, the system provides functionality for managing and monitoring the address ranges of input/output spaces, binding them to specific devices. This helps resolve conflicts that arise when multiple drivers attempt to access the same I/O addresses.


Of course, you can bypass the I/O space reservation functions for your device and directly use the read/write functions. However, this is strongly discouraged and such code is generally not allowed in the kernel.

I/O Mechanism io.Mechanism

An I/O mechanism is an abstraction that allows you to conveniently use different access methods, abstracting all specific code.

Mechanisms are entirely comptime structures and do not add runtime overhead.

Mechanisms are useful for dynamically switching between different ways of working with a device. Often, devices may support both I/O ports and MMIO. Using mechanisms, you can write code that is independent of the I/O method and dynamically select the appropriate mechanism at runtime.

Another use case for mechanisms is with the Registers API.

Creating a mechanism (all parameters must be known at compile time):

io.Mechanism(AddrType, DataType, readFn, writeFn, ?initFn) type
  • AddrType: the address type used by the mechanism, e.g., u32 or usize.

  • DataType: the data type, used to define the size and alignment for read/write operations, e.g., u8, u16, u32, etc.

  • readFn: the read function implementation.

    Should look like:

    fn read(address: AddrType) DataType
  • writeFn: the write function implementation.

    Should look like:

    fn write(address: AddrType, data: DataType) void
  • initFn: an initialization function used to run during runtime when creating an instance of the structure. This is an optional parameter and can be set to null.

    Should look like:

    fn init(base: AddrType, size: AddrType) anyerror!AddrType

    The function initializes and must return the base address (potentially modified) if successful.

Example Usage

const MyIoType = io.Mechanism(u16, u8, read, write, init);

fn init(base: u16, size: u16) !u16 {
    _ = io.request("My I/O", base, size, .io_ports) orelse return error.IoBusy;
    return base;

fn read(addr: u16) u8 {
    // Read byte from I/O port
    return io.inb(addr);

fn write(addr: u16, data: u8) void {
    // Write byte to port
    io.outb(addr, data);

pub fn use() void {
    try MyIoType.init(0xCF8, 0x4);

    MyIoType.write(0xCF8, 0x8000_0000);
    _ =;

I/O Management API

    comptime name: [:0]const u8,
    base: usize,
    size: usize,
    comptime io_type: Type
) ?usize

Reserves a specific range of I/O space for device.

  • name: the name of the region, used for informational purposes only.
  • base: the base address of the I/O space.
  • size: the size of the space relative to the base address.
  • io_type: the type of space, which can be io_ports or mmio.

The function returns null if the request fails, for example, if the space is already occupied by another device.

io.release(base: usize, comptime io_type: Type) void

Releases the reserved range of I/O space.

  • base: the base address specified during io.request.
  • io_type: the I/O type specified during io.request.

I/O Ports


    comptime name: [:0]const u8,
    comptime bus_width: io.BusWidth
) type

Returns a mechanism that implements I/O operations through I/O ports. Implements init for automatic io.request invocation.

  • name: the name used during mechanism initialization in the io.request call.

  • bus_width: defines the data size for read/write operations.

    Supported options are: .byte: u8, .word: u16, .dword: u32; .qword is not supported.

API Functions


io.inb(address); // read one byte.
io.inw(address); // read one word.
io.inl(address); // read a double word.


io.outb(address, data); // write one byte.
io.outw(address, data); // write one word.
io.outl(address, data); // write a double word.

MMIO Space


    comptime name: [:0]const u8,
    comptime bus_width: io.BusWidth
) type

Returns a mechanism that implements I/O operations through MMIO space. Implements init for automatic io.request invocation and maps the provided MMIO base address to virtual address space. init returns a virtual address.

  • name: the name used during mechanism initialization in the io.request call.

  • bus_width: defines the data size for read/write operations.

    Supported options are: .byte: u8, .word: u16, .dword: u32, .qword: u64.

API Functions


io.readb(address); // read one byte.
io.readw(address); // read one word.
io.readl(address); // read a double word.
io.readq(address); // read a quad word.


io.writeb(address, data); // write one byte.
io.writew(address, data); // write one word.
io.writel(address, data); // write a double word.
io.writeq(address, data); // write a quad word.